Bonsai Collection

Trees in Development

It takes some years to develop a tree into a bonsai. Each series of pictures shows how bonsai is a living art where the interaction of nature and the bonsai stylist works continuously on developing the bonsai. In some instances a tree is completely restyled.

Above is a Pin Oak with styling considerations. Going forward, I will look to further develop branch ramification. I plan to do this by cutting back new branches to the first set of leaves. This will be done in the spring as soon as the second set of leaves start to develop. In developing more branching on each level, the leaf size will also reduce. The hope is to develop pads with smaller leaves more in proportion to the size of the tree.
2 Comments Add yours
  1. Love the site,Just starting with Bonzai and reading all I can
    I live on the Central Coast of NSW and thinking of joining a club

    Thanks for the good reading

  2. Just hopped onto this site after talking with Lee and visiting the Royal on Friday. thinking of joining as I’m quite obsessed with my bonsais.

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