Some winning bonsai at this year’s Royal Easter Show

At the Show this year there were around 50 trees presented for the RAS bonsai competition. Sydney City Bonsai Club featured strongly among  the winners with Sue winning grand champion bonsai. Here are three of the winning trees.

IMG_Lee RAS Pyracantha first -A
Lee’s Pyracantha wins bonsai in flower or fruit.
In fact Lee’s trees in this category won 1st, 2nd and 3rd


Colin Hugo from the Bonsai Society of Australia wins the Australian Native Bonsai (other than a Ficus)
Colin Hugo from the Bonsai Society of Australia wins the Australian Native Bonsai (other than a Ficus)


2014 Royal Easter Show
Sue’s winning saikei (landscape)

See our 2014 April Newsletter for detailed list of SCBC prize winners and commendations for the 2014 Royal Easter Show.