Bonsai expert, Brenda Parker, talks on how to grow and care for azalea bonsai
The June SCBC newsletter features azalea bonsai expert, Brenda Parker.
The word ‘rhododendron’, loosely translated means ‘rose tree. Azaleas, rhododendrons and vireyas (tropical types) are all classed and known under the one family name – rhododendrons, and botanically there is no difference between them. They originated in China, the Himalayan Mountains and the cooler parts of south Asia and the first noted record of these plants dates back to 400 BC.
Cultivating Azalea Bonsai by Brenda Parker
These cultural notes have been prepared based on what I do in my situation, but there may be some adjustments you may have to do in your space, and only by trial and error and understanding how they grow and their simple requirements.
SOIL – Bonsai potting mix broken down with sharp river sand to make it very porous to allow oxygen to reach the roots. Forget using potting mixes with added peat moss if you have a watering system as the peat stays too moist and the soil then becomes rancid causing root rot. If you do use peat-based mixes in bonsai pots and forget to water a few days, the peat becomes very hard and will not allow water to penetrate to reach the roots and when the fine azalea roots dry out it means trouble. Maybe in a large garden pot it could be alright, but I am a bit wary in small pots. Remember they grow in well drained soil on mountain slopes in the wild only protected by decaying leaf litter.
FERTILIZER – Azaleas require an acid soil and after they have settled down after repotting. See the SCBC June Newsletter for detailed information on the types of fertiliser successfully used by Brenda in the Sydney region of Australia.
PEST AND DISEASES – I am still of the belief that if the soil is perfect the tree is healthy, but there is always that chance that these bugs come along to spoil your day.
When the weather starts to warm up (about mid September), I spray the underside and top of the leaves with Confidor or Sharp Shooter and continue to do this again in about mid October and then again in late December. This is a systemic spray to abate the red spider and lace bug that like to gnaw at the under surface of the leaves resulting in the leaves getting a ‘silver’ appearance. It looks unsightly but it will not harm the tree. When the new growth appears these old leaves usually are shed and are renewed all over again, but for displaying purposes, you would not display a tree in this condition.
Once the flowers emerge there is a fungal disease that makes the flowers wilt and turn very mushy. It is called petal blight and spraying with Bayleton at the time you start to see colour in the buds is a good time to stop or reduce it. This fungus attacks the base of the flower where the petals join the calyx and it is advisable to remove these damaged flowers and dispose of in the garbage bin, not in the compost bin, otherwise the problem will be compounded next year. When azaleas are in flower it is advisable only to water the soil level only and not the flowers, and usually when they are in flower my watering system is usually turned off.
Chlorosis is a condition where the leaves usually turn yellow with very defined green veins which indicate a lack of iron and/or magnesium. As the deficiency of iron or magnesium is hard to detect, mix 1oz. of iron sulphate (or iron chelates) and 1 oz. of magnesium sulphate (Epsom salts) in 5 litres of water and apply over foliage and soil surface.

STYLING – Azalea branches are very brittle and snap very easily. I only put wire on very flexible branches and then I put it on very loosely as they mark very easily. If a branch does snap (not completely off), use it to your advantage and tape over with sealant and then grafting tape – they heal really well. This is a unique way to make bends in a somewhat straight branch.

REPOTTING – You can repot an azalea at any time of the year even in full flower because of the fibrous root system. After repotting place the tree in a cool position and keep moist but not wet. A dose of Seasol helps with the disturbance of the roots. Ideally the best time to repot is after flowering in spring. I never add fertilizer when repotting only after when I can see new growth appearing. Only apply Osmocote on the soil surface and not under the tree in the pot. Azaleas are surface rooted and surface feeders and it will be only wasted out of the drainage holes.
PRUNING – Pruning is always carried out after flowering as with all other trees. If pruning is not carried out after every flowering, the natural growth habit of azaleas is that they get very leggy with foliage mainly at the tips. Tip pruning is continually carried out right up until Christmas and no later than to the end of January, as this is the time when buds are starting to form for the next flowering season. Remember to also remove any seed heads as this will weaken your tree.
PROPAGATION – The usual applies to azaleas, seeds (not common), cuttings, aerial layers, ground layering and of course dig-ups from old gardens or demolition sites, grafting etc. Cuttings are easy to strike and usually are taken in late December to early February, about 6-10cms long with only the leaves left at the tip, placed in a mix of very sandy soil and lots crammed into a 10cm pot, watered and kept in a very damp and semi shaded spot in a fern or shade house. I don’t usually cover the cuttings with a plastic bag as my shade house is always damp and humid and my success rate is very high.
POTS – These are usually deeper than most and coloured to compliment the flowers. Remember that deep pots drain better than shallow pots.
I hope that my experience with azaleas will entice you to try some for yourselves and I am sure with great success. They are such a diverse group of plants that you will be enthralled with them for many years.
Thank you for your helpful information. I have tried your method and now have had great success with my Azaleas, especially the ones I have collected.
Thanks for article. I bought 4 small Satsukis and planted them in the ground to get them to grow before I put them in bonsai pots. It has been one year in the ground and they look very healthy. But my question is how often should I dig them up and root prune?
The azaleas can stay in the ground for years. They have a fibrous root system that stays reasonably close to the plant and the roots don’t thicken a lot. 40 year old azaleas were lifted in a recent azalea dig in a garden that was to be demolished. The larger roots were trimmed back, the trees potted carefully and allowed to sit for months to recover and regrow roots before styling work was done.
Roz I hope you can help… I have recently had one of my more stringy azaleas pass away.
symptoms were drying out of leaves in sections of the plant… otherwise it was quite healthy. I cut these sections away as I could see only one or two black spots on the leaves that were cut off… otherwise the plant was very healthy.
I now have a second plant exhibiting the same symptoms.
this time… no sign of disease at all.
In three days I’ve lost two sections of what appeared to be a very healthy plant. The leaves have literally dried up and fallen off, Otherwise the rest of the plant is fine. I’m concerned this will spread across the plant as it did with the first.
Do you know what this might be and what be and what I could do to save it?
If you purchased these azaleas from an ordinary nursery and they are still in the same potting/soil mix then without looking at the plant, I suspect that the problem is the soil. As a general rule when azaleas are purchased from an ordinary nursery they should be repotted immediately as their root systems are unlike any other. Azaleas just love very well drained porous potting mix. That’s just the way they are.
Hi Roz I have an azalea bonsai and it was doing really well. It has all of a sudden turning brown and the leaves are shedding as if it is drying out but it’s not dry soil. It has done this within one to two weeks. I’m not sure what’s happened. It looks bad. I tried pyrethrin in case is was a lace bug. But I don’t know what it is.
I suspect that with all the wet and humid weather we had lately I can guarantee that the potting medium is exhausted and not draining well. Azalea roots do not like wet feet. It probably hasn’t been repotted for a long time and in my experience the soil of azaleas has to be very friable and well drained or else……….!
In Melbourne Is it usual for Azalia bonzai to begin flowering now, June?
Yes, both in Melbourne and in Sydney some varieties of Azalea are flowering now (June).
Hello, I am new to bonsai’s &would really like some success. I live on the Gold Coast & have two Azalea’s. I would love to know when I can start shaping them and when to leave them alone.
They are just babies and I have repotted.
If you are totally new to bonsai the best way to learn is to join a local bonsai club. This way you can be given specific advice about what to to and when that is correct for your local environmental conditions. Your local bonsai club is the Gold Coast and Tweed Heads Bonsai club
Hi. I have an azalea bonsai that was labled Saotome.I have had it for several years now. Its healthy but no flowers. I have seen on the net some descriptions that Saotome does not flower.Can you confirm this please?
They don’t flower. Sorry! For flowering azalea suited to bonsai you want Satsuki or Kurume or failing that at least an Indica. Bunnings have Kurume quite regularly.
Hi, I purchased an azalea bonsai from a bonsai grower about a month ago and since then it has been losing leaves. The leaves are still green when they fall an the plant otherwise looks healthy. Do you know a reason why this happens and a way I might be able to stop it?
Also how often and how much should I water it?
I have an azalea that I have set up with bonsai. It was going really well until i didn’t get home from the city till later on a hot and windy day. The leaves all got wind-burnt and have dried off, some are still soft but brown. There are a few new shoots closer to the trunk. I have gently scraped the bark along the branches and I can see green on them . Should i cut the leaf ends off? What time of the year do azaleas put new shoots out?
live on the southern side of the adelaide hills.
I was going to add a photo but cant find the facility for that.